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Pucca House(MO ghara) for All: Empowering Communities through Safe and Secure Homes


Housing is an essential aspect of human life, providing not only shelter but also safety, security, and a sense of belonging. Recognizing the significance of housing as a fundamental right, the State Government has launched the visionary initiative called "Pucca House for All." This commitment aims to transform the lives of individuals and families residing in kuccha houses (improvised or temporary structures) by providing them with permanent and sturdy pucca houses. The government understands that housing plays a pivotal role in promoting self-esteem, psychological well-being, and a sense of ownership and identity among individuals. With the dedicated "MO GHARA" scheme, the government endeavors to ensure that no one is left behind in accessing safe and secure housing.

Promoting Safety, Security, and Dignity

The "Pucca House for All" initiative recognizes that safe and secure housing is the foundation for a better quality of life. Kuccha houses, often made from inadequate materials, leave families vulnerable to the elements and pose risks to their well-being. By prioritizing the conversion of kuccha houses to pucca houses, the government is taking significant steps toward ensuring the safety and security of its citizens. These sturdy structures protect families from natural disasters, harsh weather conditions, and other potential threats, providing a secure environment for them to thrive.

Ownership and Identity

Having a permanent pucca house not only offers physical security but also grants individuals and families a sense of ownership and identity. When people have a stake in their living space, they are more likely to invest in its upkeep and improvement. This sense of ownership fosters a sense of pride and belonging within communities, leading to stronger social cohesion and community development. By providing pucca houses, the government is empowering individuals to take charge of their lives and contribute to the overall progress of the state.

Improved Well-being and Self-esteem

Living in a safe and comfortable environment significantly impacts one's overall well-being and self-esteem. Pucca houses offer better insulation, ventilation, and sanitation facilities, promoting healthier living conditions. This, in turn, reduces the risk of illness and disease, leading to improved physical well-being. Moreover, the psychological satisfaction that comes with having a permanent home cannot be underestimated. Pucca houses provide a sense of stability, enhancing mental well-being and allowing individuals to focus on personal growth, education, and economic opportunities. By prioritizing the construction of pucca houses, the government is investing in the holistic development of its citizens.

The "MO GHARA" Scheme: Reaching the Underserved

The State Government's commitment to ensuring housing for all is exemplified through the "MO GHARA" scheme. This scheme aims to address the housing needs of rural families who have not yet benefited from existing rural housing programs. By focusing on reaching the underserved, the government is taking an inclusive approach to uplift the most vulnerable sections of society. The Department of Panchayati Raj & Drinking Water plays a vital role in the effective implementation of the scheme, working tirelessly to provide rural families with a safe roof overhead.


The "Pucca House for All" initiative, spearheaded by the State Government, signifies a transformative step towards providing safe and secure housing to all individuals and families. By prioritizing the conversion of kuccha houses to pucca houses, the government aims to ensure the safety, security, and well-being of its citizens. The "MO GHARA" scheme demonstrates the government's commitment to reaching the underserved and leaving no one behind. As the Department of Panchayati Raj & Drinking Water takes on the responsibility of implementing the scheme, it is essential for the community to come together and support this noble endeavor. Together, we can build a future where every individual has a pucca house, fostering a society rooted in dignity, pride, and prosperity.

Background and Approach

The State Government recognizes that housing is a fundamental human need and a crucial aspect of leading a decent life with dignity. It acknowledges the importance of housing in providing safety, security, ownership, and identity to individuals and communities. With a commitment to fulfilling this need, the government has launched the "Pucca House for All" initiative. Over the years, the government has already provided more than 3 million houses under various schemes since the fiscal year 2014-15, demonstrating its dedication to improving housing conditions for its citizens.


The main objective of the "Pucca House for All" initiative is to provide adequate financial support to rural households, enabling them to construct pucca houses of decent size. By focusing on this objective, the government aims to meet the aspirations of lower and lower-middle-income households in rural Odisha.

Key Features

  1. Construction, Extension, Up-gradation, and Completion of Houses: The initiative aims to ensure the construction, extension, up-gradation, and completion of houses that meet the aspirations of rural households. All houses constructed or extended under this initiative will be of pucca nature, with RCC roofs.

    • Construction and Extension: This includes the construction and extension of houses using pucca materials, specifically RCC roofs.
    • Upgradation: This involves replacing the existing roofs of houses with RCC roofs and carrying out any necessary ancillary work related to the roof replacement.
    • Completion: The initiative also focuses on completing incomplete houses by adding RCC roofs, fixing doors and windows, flooring, plastering, coloring, and other necessary finishing touches.
  2. Housing Loans: 

    Beneficiaries of the initiative will have the opportunity to avail housing loans up to Rs. 3 lakh. These loans will need to be repaid within a period of 10 years, excluding a one-year moratorium.

  3. Loan Slabs: 

    The initiative offers four loan slabs to beneficiaries, allowing them to choose the most suitable option based on their requirements. The loan slabs are as follows: Rs. 1 lakh, Rs. 1.5 lakh, Rs. 2 lakh, and Rs. 3 lakh.

  4. Capital Subsidy:

     Upon the completion of the house, the State Government will release capital subsidy against the principal amount of the loan to the beneficiary's loan account. This subsidy provides financial support and reduces the burden on the beneficiary.


The "Pucca House for All" initiative reflects the State Government's commitment to providing safe, secure, and adequate housing to rural households in Odisha. By offering financial support through housing loans, the government aims to empower individuals and families to construct pucca houses that meet their aspirations. The initiative's key features, including the focus on pucca construction, loan options, and capital subsidy, demonstrate the government's determination to uplift lower and lower-middle-income households and improve their living conditions. Through this initiative, the State Government paves the way for a brighter future, where all citizens can enjoy the benefits of safe and secure housing, fostering a sense of ownership, identity, and dignity for rural communities across Odisha.

Additional Capital Subsidy for Vulnerable Categories and Support for Relevant Schemes

To ensure inclusivity and address the needs of vulnerable sections of society, the "Pucca House for All" initiative incorporates specific provisions:

3.5 Additional Capital Subsidy: Vulnerable categories such as Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), and households headed by Persons with Disabilities (PwD) will receive an additional capital subsidy. This subsidy aims to provide extra support to these marginalized groups, enabling them to access safe and secure housing.

3.6 Support under Relevant Schemes: Beneficiaries of the "Pucca House for All" initiative can also avail themselves of support under relevant schemes related to rural sanitation, drinking water, rural electrification, and other applicable programs. If found eligible and not previously availed, beneficiaries can access these additional schemes to further improve their living conditions.

Eligibility Criteria

To ensure the effective implementation of the initiative, specific eligibility criteria have been defined. The following categories of households are not eligible to benefit from the scheme:

a. Those with a pucca house comprising two or more rooms with an RCC roof. b. Households that have already received housing assistance of Rs. 70,000 or more under any Rural Housing Scheme in the past. c. Households with a monthly income of Rs. 25,000 or above. d. Households that possess a non-commercial motorized four-wheeler. e. Households where any member is a regular government/PSU employee or receives a monthly pension for their service period from the government/PSU. f. Households that own 5 acres or more of irrigated land or 15 acres or more of non-irrigated land.


To ensure clarity and consistency, the following definitions are established:

5.1 Definition of Family: A family consists of the husband, wife, and dependent members.

5.2 Definition of Pucca House: A pucca house is characterized by both its walls and roof being constructed using pucca materials.

  • Walls: Made of materials such as bricks, stones, etc., with cement bonding.
  • Roof: Constructed using Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC).


The "Pucca House for All" initiative comprises two components:

6.1 General: Households that do not fall under the special categories (SCs, STs, and PwD-headed households) will be considered under the general category.

6.2 Special: Households headed by individuals belonging to SC, ST, or PwD categories are categorized as special and will receive specific attention and support under the initiative.


The "Pucca House for All" initiative demonstrates the State Government's commitment to ensuring housing for all its citizens. By providing additional capital subsidy for vulnerable categories and allowing access to relevant schemes, the government aims to create an inclusive and supportive environment for marginalized communities. The defined eligibility criteria, along with clear definitions and components, ensure transparency and efficient implementation of the initiative. With these comprehensive measures in place, the government is working towards fulfilling its commitment to providing safe and secure housing for every household in rural Odisha.

6.2 Capital Subsidy Release: The State Government will release the capital subsidy against the principal component of the loan amount to all applicants. This subsidy will be deposited into the loan account of the beneficiaries upon completion of their houses.

6.3 EMI Calculation: The Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) for the loan will be calculated by the bank. The EMI amount will be determined after deducting the capital subsidy released by the government from the loan account of the beneficiaries.

6.4 Additional Capital Subsidy for Special Category: Additional capital subsidy will be released to beneficiaries belonging to the Special Category, which includes SC, ST, and PwD-headed families. This subsidy aims to provide extra financial support to these vulnerable groups.

6.5 Subsidy Amount: The eligible applicants will receive the following subsidy amounts:

[Specify the subsidy amounts applicable to different loan slabs or beneficiary categories, if provided in the scheme details.]

6.6 Sample Calculation for EMI: Here's an example of how the EMI can be calculated based on the given information: If the housing loan interest rate charged by a bank is 9%, the EMI can be calculated as follows:

[Provide a sample calculation, including the loan amount, interest rate, loan tenure, and resulting EMI amount.]

Note: The actual EMI will vary from bank to bank based on their individual interest rates. Borrowers are advised to consult their respective banks for accurate calculations.


The "Pucca House for All" initiative includes specific provisions for the release of capital subsidy, EMI calculations, and additional subsidies for the Special Category beneficiaries. The government's commitment to providing financial assistance and support to individuals and families is evident in these measures. By releasing the capital subsidy, borrowers can reduce their loan burden, and the EMI calculations ensure a fair repayment schedule. The additional capital subsidy for the Special Category beneficiaries recognizes their unique needs and offers extra financial assistance. With clear guidelines and sample calculations, the government aims to provide transparency and clarity to the beneficiaries. Overall, the initiative strives to ensure affordable and accessible housing for all residents of rural Odisha, fostering a sense of security, ownership, and dignity.





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