GST, ITR, DSC, Accounting, Trademark, E-Way bill,  Insurance, Car, Bike,

GST, ITR, DSC, Filling, Accounting,Goods & service Tax,Income Tax Returns,Digital Signature (DSC),Accounting,E-Way Bills,Trademark Registration,Udyam/MSME/FSSAI,Company Registration.PAN Card.Hotels, Insurance, Car, Bike, Health & Term Insurance

Leadership development of SELF HELF GROUP (SHG)

 Skills/attributes required to lead a team

Leadership is very important in managing self-help groups. If proper leadership is not selected in self help group then the position of self help group becomes very weak. There are usually three group representatives in Self Help Groups namely – President, Editor and Treasurer.

The following points should be kept in mind while selecting representatives in self help groups.

    Must have leadership skills in self help groups.
    Must know how to read and write.
    All self help group members must accept him and follow his words.
    One must be ready to sacrifice personal interests for the collective good.
    Need to give importance to others.
    More time will be devoted to self-help groups and group activities.
    Be prepared mentally not to take any personal advantage from the Gothi and not to pay the debt until the other members of the group pay the debt.
    Be ready to devote enough time to the group and try to initiate various income-based programs in the group and arrange the sale of the products produced and collect the necessary tools for the business.
    Accumulating monthly savings regularly and never neglecting to repay the loan.
    More than 90 percent attended monthly meetings of self-help groups.
    Be prepared to abide by the policies and rules set by the self-help group. 

Selection of group representatives of SHG group

After the members thoroughly understand the responsibilities of the representative in the self-help group, three group representatives will be selected from among them.
    The President, Editor and Treasurer will be decided according to the ability/skills of the members.
    All members must be present during the selection of representatives in the group. Two-thirds of the total members must be present at the time of electing or changing the group representative.

Change of representative of SHG group

If the group representative (President, Secretary, Treasurer) fails to discharge his/her duties properly or adheres to the rules and regulations of the Self Help Group / works against the Self Help Group and the members of the group, then the above member shall be removed from the post with the consent of two thirds of the members of the group.

Change of group representation in self help group is very important factor for group purpose

    Contributes to the development of leadership skills of all members.
    It helps to increase the capacity of all members to take responsibility in the group program.
    It helps in the smooth running of group activities even in the absence of some members.
    Self-help creates equal opportunities among groups.
    Dominance/dominion of a few members is not allowed.
    The term of office of representatives of SHGs is limited to one year. The same person cannot take the leadership twice in a row, even if the members of the self-help group want to.
    Group representatives will be changed every year.
    Three months before the expiry of the term of the group representative, the process of selection of the new group representative will be done.
    The experienced group representative (previously delegated member) will assist the new group representative in carrying out the duties for a month or two, or until the new group representative is satisfied to carry out his/her responsibilities properly, the previously delegated member will assist him/her in carrying out the duties.

Responsibilities/Role of Self Help Group Representative


1) The President is the head of the self-help group, he will conduct regular group meetings and ensure active participation of all members in group decisions.
    Conduct self help group meetings properly and maintain peace and order during meetings.
    To approve the minutes and decisions of the meeting.
    Self-help groups will take care to maintain the mutual trust and confidence of the members.
    Members shall monitor compliance with the policies and rules of the self-help group.
    Assist members in joining the group or removing members from the group.
    To study all the problems of self help group. All members and other group representatives will work together to solve the problem.
    All programs of the group will be coordinated with the editor and treasurer.
    Supervise the group's income, expenditure and all financial statements.
    A group savings account will have one subscriber.
    Organize/ organize various developmental programs of the group.
    Maintain transparency in the group.
    Represent the group at the confederation level.
    Establish good relations between the Bank and the Union.


In the absence of the President, he/she will carry out the duties of the President in the group.
    Organize and conduct all group meetings.
    Assist the President in managing all the activities of the Self Help Group.
    Before the meeting, prepare the meeting schedule and write or supervise the writing of the minutes of the meeting.
    In the meeting, he will check the accounts of the group and inform the members of the group.
    The self-help group will present the data of all financial transactions such as: income, expenditure, profit, loss, surplus.
    A group savings account will have one subscriber.
    Will play a key role in coordinating/coordinating with the officers of the Bank, Post Office, Anganwadi, Block Development Officer and other departments.
    Ensure 100 percent loan repayment rate in the group.
    Will contribute to the payment of outstanding debts.
    All the representatives of the self help group and with the help of all the members of the self help group will solve all the problems in the group.


Conduct all financial transactions.
He/she will write the accounts, take the help of the President and Editor during the financial transactions in the meetings and bear/take the main responsibility for safe keeping of the savings. All financial transaction statements/accounts shall be kept with him, whether written by the editor of the group or any other member.
Deposit and withdraw money from the bank as per group rules.
Loans approved by the Self Help Group will be disbursed to the members and the monthly savings, loan, penalty will be charged.
Savings box of self help group can be kept with president. The key to the safe deposit box will be kept in the custody of the treasurer.
The financial status of the Self Help Group (savings, debits, total funds of the group) shall be informed to all the members in the meeting.
Cooperate during the audit of accounts to be done by the Union.
At the self help group level, all the information such as saving amount of all members, writing meeting details, minimum loan amount of the group along with purpose of loan, loan repayment details will be written correctly.

Member of self help group

Shall abide by the rules and regulations of the Self Help Group.
    Care will be taken to build mutual trust and confidence within the group.
    Attend self help group meetings regularly and actively participate in discussion and decision making process.
    The savings amount will be deposited regularly in the meeting.
    Accounts receivable will be properly accounted for and repayments will be made regularly. This loan can be internal or external.
    Do not act in the interests of self-help groups.
    A self-help group will resolve all problems, disputes and conflicts among its members.
    To work for the successful management and sustainability of self help groups.

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