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Insurance and Social Security of farmer

 Government of India classified insurance for landless agricultural laborers has been operational since August 15, 1987. As per this insurance scheme or plan, a joint venture between the Life Insurance Corporation of India and the State Governments will be designed to provide classified insurance to all the landless agricultural laborers of the State. For the first three years, the Government of India will submit premiums to the Life Insurance Corporation of India. If any landless cultivator dies during this period, the person's nominee will be indemnified by the Indian Life Insurance Corporation. 2000/- will be paid. As per the scheme, only one member of a family of landless agricultural laborers will be included in the insurance plan. Whose age should be 18-60 years. After the age of 60 years, he cannot be covered by this insurance.

This scheme is being implemented in Odisha as per the following rules.

    Period of implementation of the plan – 1987-15 August and continued for three years till August 14, 1990.
    The project was implemented in the first year - Phulbani - Koraput and Kalahandi.
    Second year – Implemented in Ganjam, Sundergarh, Kanjhar, Mayurbhanj, Balangir districts.
    3rd year – Implemented in remaining districts.

Eligibility for coverage of this insurance plan

One member of a landless agricultural laborer family should be between 18-60 years of age.
     More than 50 percent of his total income should be from agricultural labor.
     Beneficiary's household goods, land together should not be more than 8 deciles.
     He must have been an agricultural labourer.
     The scheme covers agricultural laborer families ie - husband or wife with their children grown or small.

Eligibility and supporting document

Copy of Birth Register.
     School Certificate.
     Age on Voter List.
     Certificate of Local Health Officer.

Procedure for identifying and listing beneficiaries 

The local gram sevak will list the agricultural workers. This list will be prepared with the help of local Sarpanch. Then the gram sevak will collect the certificate whether they have land or not with the help of the local revenue inspector. The Revenue Inspector will give his report within 7 days and the Gramsevak will as soon as possible collect the applications, prepare a list of them and register them, and send the list of names of all agricultural laborers to be included in the scheme along with the serial number of the register to the Block Development Authority.

The gram sevak will prepare and fill up an identification letter in Form No. – Gunthi with the application form – signed by himself and send it to the Block Development Officer. The number on the identity card should also be on the application form.

After receiving this identification letter and application form, the Block Development Officer will register it in the register at the block head. Once every 15 days such application form- registered and a list thereof shall be sent by the Manager Classified Life Insurance Scheme to the National Insurance Corporation office, and shall be forwarded to the insured agricultural laborers through the Village Sevak by signing the identity card. The Block Development Officer also informs the District Pal and the State Government about this.

Life Insurance Corporation of India, Divisional Office – V.S.S. Marg Sambalpur Division has taken charge of the following districts -

(1) Ganjam, (2) Sambalpur, (3) Balangir, (4) Koraput (5) Kalahandi other 5 districts have been placed under the responsibility of Classified Life Insurance Department - Divisional Office - Bhubaneswar. For example – Ganjam, Phulbani, Puri, Cuttack, Dhenkanal, Kenjhar, Baleswar, Mayurbhanj. (Now these 13 districts have become 30 districts)

If a landless agriculturist leaves the government without being registered after the scheme is in operation - and his heirs make a claim - he can be entitled to receive money under this insurance if he can submit the following supporting documents along with the claim viz.-

    Death Certificate (from Sarpanch/Medical Officer/Tehsildar in Form No.5)
    Statutory Compliance Certificate (to be obtained from Tahsildar)

He will send this claim to the Block Development Officer of his respective area. If the Block Development Officer has the heart, he will register his name and forward the death claim to the Life Insurance Corporation of India office. If it is found that there are multiple liabilities before sending the claim to the Life Insurance Corporation of India, the said claim will be awarded to one or all the liabilities equally. The decision and acceptance certificate will be sent to the insurance corporation.


It is only at the time of inclusion of insurance that an agricultural laborer chooses the family land as the guarantor, and the application form mentions the name of this person. An application for change of liability is made to the Block Development Officer by submitting an identity card and an affidavit. Otherwise, once written in the application form for selection of liability, no further changes are made.


For the first three years i.e. from 1987 to 1990, premiums will be paid by the Government of India for the enrollment of all agricultural workers. Then the agricultural laborer who wants to be covered by the insurance has to pay a premium of Rs 10/- per annum.

Claims retention system

    If the landless agricultural laborer leaves the body, he shall apply for payment of his liability in Form 4 as per this scheme with the following documents.
        Identity card of the deceased
        Proof letter of deceased landless agricultural laborer Gramsevak will properly elaborate the claim and forward it to the Block Development Officer. BDO After verifying it, the manager will register the claim and send Form No. 4 (Claim and Settlement Form) to the office of the GIS Indian Life Insurance Corporation. And the manager will send it to the Indian Life Insurance Corporation office. And Manager Indian Life Insurance Liability Rs. 2000/- will arrange to pay.

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